Linux Games

Large collection of games, graphics, sound, and video applications, plus related development tools.

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January 1998 $29.95
What's on the CD?
  • Over 300 total packages are on the CD-ROM.
  • The CD contains games, screen-savers, X-windows background "toys", graphics,sound and other multimedia tools, and a special section devoted to the development of multimedia applications and games for Linux (libraries, documents, etcetera).
  • A user-friendly, X-windows based user interface that allows the user to install the packages onto their system without worrying about makefiles, compiler options, and other complicated procedures. Approximately two-thirds of the packages on the CD are installable (and executable) from within this interface.
  • For more advanced users, the other 100 packages on the CD are supplied as-is - meaning that they would not compile or run out-of-the-box on our test machine, or they required extensive user configuration beyond the power of the install program to provide.

Featured Titles:

  • Quake! - Linux binaries for Quake - requires you to have the data files from the DOS version. It will even work with the registered version of Quake.
  • Abuse - Just like the DOS version.
  • Maelstrom - Think of it as a very, very nicely-done remake of Asteroids.
  • Net Hack PLUS (for X-Windows)
  • Gravity Wars
  • SVGALib 1.2.8 - VGA/SVGA development library - this was the one they made the Linux port of DOOM with!
  • Multi Tetris
  • Mirrormagic II
  • XPuzzles
  • XEvil - similar to Lode Runner
  • XRoach - Roaches run and hide behind your windows. You can squish them by clicking on them.
  • XFishtank - A personal favorite of the developer, this simulates an aquarium with life-like digitized fish images on your root window. The fish swim along while you get your work done.
  • ANSI Draw - Create ANSI screens under Linux.
  • CyberPhone - Voice communication over the Internet! Requires you to have a digital sound driver compiled into your Linux kernel.
  • SimCity (Demo) - Demo of Sim City (Classic) for Linux - the full version even allows network play. Very nicely done.
  • ACM - Networked air-combat simulator. Nice graphics and good gameplay. Identical to the versions for SunOS, Solaris, etc.
  • POVRay (Persistence of Vision) Ray Tracing package - approximately 25% faster than the DOS version on the exact same machine! Comes with numerous samples, textures, etcetera. Very nice program.
  • XSnow - Make it snow on your root window in X. Snow even collects on top of your windows.
  • Doom - the ever-popular 3D game, for Linux. Lets you play over the Internet directly, without anything additional such as IHHD. Not available in the International version
  • XGalaga - a very nice port of the old "Galaga" arcade game. One of the nicer games on the CD.
  • XPilot - the popular arcade-style networked game.
  • XBoing - don't be fooled by the name, this is an extremely well-done breakout clone that is similar to Arkanoid, yet puts it to shame. Try this one first if you want to be really impressed.
  • XMountains - Renders a 3-D shaded landscape in real-time on your X display's root window. Very nice background. Makes people stop and stare at your computer.
  • XOj - Yes, O.J. Simpson even found his way onto this CD-ROM. A funny little cartoon rendition of the L.A. freeway chase, displayed on your X display's root window. Another interesting way to attract attention to your computer.
  • Plus many others including 3-D stereogram generators, CD audio players, MPEG players, WAV players, more games, and of course more valuable development tools.